City Rail Link
March Cato have been engaged to support the Link Alliance with a number of their complex and critical utility diversions to enable the construction of the new City Rail Link, New Zealand’s largest infrastructure project. We have been working with the Link Alliance team since late 2020, undertaking the phased installation of the newly diverted Huia No.2 pipeline, a 1365mm Cement Lined Steel pipework, which runs along Nikau Street in Mt Eden, and needs to be diverted to enable the new rail tunnel portal to be constructed. March Cato’s scope includes the trenching, installation, welding, and backfilling, associated with the core installation works, as well as the pressure testing, disinfection, and the critical cut-over connection to ensure that the diverted Huia 2 pipeline continues to service the Auckland region. At this same site, our team have also been responsible for the installation and connection of the associated wastewater and stormwater pipework that interfaces with our Huia 2 works.
Alongside our works at the Ruru Street site, March Cato and Link Alliance have been working on the temporary diversion of the Mt Eden No4 Watermain (580dia CLS) at Normanby Rd. All of the services on Normanby Rd, need to be relocated due the change in level of both the railway track and Normanby Rd. The site was particularly tight and works had to occur with minimal disruption to Normanby Rd, the railway tracks and Link Alliances other activities. March Cato’s scope of works included construction of the underground sections of the pipe as well as the commissioning and connection of the watermain.
Our team is proud to be able to work with the Link Alliance to help with the delivery of this landmark project, located in the tight and congested central Auckland location.